Couple other things and this tidal wave of activity, after months of radio silence, will end. You're welcome.
The Appearances page has been updated; Spokane Comicon is fast approaching, and if you're within driving distance, it's worth your time.
For six of the convention's seven years, both Brandon Jerwa and I have been treated like royalty by the Spokane fans; it's always a good convention, and the parade of very strange things that happen on the road trip to and from the show never fail to amuse/terrify me.
Also, there will be a con-exclusive print for Frost: Rogue State, and I think our artist, Geovanni Timpano (aided and abetted by colorist Andrea Celestini) did a marvelous job on it.
Here's a peek at the print:

In other news...
It's not a done deal yet, but I may be contributing some page design to an upcoming creator-owned comic, produced by a creative team that can only be described as "powerhouse."
But if I don't say something, I'm gonna bust.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Okay. There. I think that's the last bit of "news." There's been some general upkeep in the Comics section, too, with all the recent issues and collected editions I'd neglected over the last few months, complete with previews, so if you're inclined, you should check 'em out.
Write a comment
Chris (Friday, 24 May 2013 20:08)
Spankane. That is all.