Very belated update; work has been…full and rich, and personal stuff has prevented me from being as diligent about updating the site and the newsletter. A newsletter update is coming, I swear.
In any event, here's some info on the most recent Adamant Entertainment product I worked on (and co-wrote): Thrilling Tales Pulp Villains: The Subterranean Monarch!
Here is the official skinny on it:
Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present the latest in our new line of Thrilling Tales products: Pulp Villains!
Each Pulp Villains release will detail a nefarious non-player-character, ready to be dropped into your pulp-genre Savage Worlds game, fully statted, with details on their methods, motives, special gear, henchmen, allies and more -- along with a collection of adventure hooks for their use.
In this installment:
“Oh, yes, my children! Like you, I have been hunted. Like you, my birthright was lost to misadventure and folly. While you toiled in darkness, deep beneath the surface, you lost your way. You forgot your illustrious history! And above you, weak-minded simpletons have forged kingdoms that are but pale imitations of your forebears. They have grown fat and decadent, and are unworthy of their purloined place in the sun.
“But no more! I will restore your kingdom. I will rule. And I will nally reap the rewards owed to me...and elevate you back to your rightful glory!
“Woe betide any who stand against the Subterranean Monarch! Forward, my Mantle Men! Forward to victory, in the name of your god-king!”
Pulp Villains: The Subterranean Monarch, by Keith A. Garrett and Eric Trautmann, uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.
(Also, it costs a mere three of your surface-dweller dollars!)
Available in PDF only, via DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.