Normally, my comics work dominates the site, but this year I'm hoping to showcase my graphic design stuff (which I do through my Fedora Monkey Studios).
So, today, I've reworked a good chunk of the "downloads" section. The older vector art sets that were there have been retired; I'll be reworking, expanding, and improving many of them over the coming days.
I've also decided to start selling some vector art packs. These packs are royalty free, and licensed for commercial and personal use. The first set—"FM001"—is a very large pack of science-fiction themed images suited for the creation of high-tech computer displays: dials, sliders, computer displays, reticles and cursors, and much more.
The set contains over 140 separate elements that can be adjusted, mixed, and matched to create a pretty ridiculous number of unique "screens." Need a high-tech array of displays for your comic book supervillain's volcano lair? Or the flight controls of your space-cop's starship?
FM001—"SCI FI HUD ELEMENTS, VOL. 1"—is now available for sale, for a mere $5.00US.
(Additionally, I've added F001—a free sampler containing some of the items from the full set, plus a unique vector not included in the larger set.)
For more information, visit the Downloads page, or simply buy it now.
Preview Gallery:
In other graphic design news...

My good friend, comedian Gabriel Rutledge, recently released a new comedy album, "Breeder." It's very funny stuff, and I recommend it (and his prior album, "Sometimes Laughter Hurts"). Both are available as digital downloads via iTunes, or can be purchased as physical CDs from Gabriel's online store.
Why do I bring this up? I did the covers and packaging design for both albums. It's always a lot of fun to do album covers, and it's even more of a blast when it's for someone who's talent I greatly admire.
Check 'em out. Gabriel's got the goods.
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Oznogon (Thursday, 13 February 2014 16:24)
That was the fastest pitch-to-purchase time for stock assets I've ever seen. Part of my credit card melted.
Eric Trautmann (Thursday, 13 February 2014 16:42)
That's...good? I hope? ;)
When/if you use 'em, I'd love to see them in action—shoot me a jpeg so I can brag on it, if you'd be so kind.
Thanks very much for giving it a whirl. The next couple sets will be "tech circles" and one specifically for reticles—a bunch of realistic/based on real military reticle styles as well as retro and sci-fi themed ones.
Eric Trautmann (Thursday, 13 February 2014 16:46)
Oh, and make sure you grab the free preview set in the downloads section here—it contains a bonus vector not in the (otherwise) full set.